Let’s Face It: An Interview with Katie’s Creations

2020. The year where World War Three almost happened (January seems like a lifetime away now!) and of course, Coronavirus. Coronavirus has changed every aspect of life as we know it, from eating out and the way we go to college. One major aspect is the introduction of facemasks into our daily lives. As a nursing student a face mask is nothing new to me, but for others it’s a strange concept. Reusable face masks are the “new norm” and important to maintain your own safety and others in public areas. Enter Katie’s Creations, a new business run by Katie Tyrell, a Dublin creative who is making face coverings safe, but also fashionable. Now more than ever it’s important to support local artists and Irish-owned businesses. I got the opportunity to interview Katie and talk about all things facemasks and fashion (socially distanced over Whatsapp, of course!)


Introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Katie Tyrrell. I’m originally a culchie from lovely Leitrim but moved to Dublin for college a few years ago. I studied fine art in DIT and a part time Fashion Buying course in Dublin Institute of Design. I’ve been working in the fashion industry since 2016. I’m currently a visual merchandiser for H&M.


What made you begin Katie’s Creations and how has it been?

During lockdown, I was determined to develop a new skill before returning to work. I always wanted to learn how to sew so I bought my first sewing machine. I watched endless YouTube videos on basic sewing skills and then started to make baby clothes for my little niece who was born during lockdown. Then one day I made a mask just to have for whenever I ventured out and my boyfriend Scott & his housemate Shane suggested starting up a website and providing them for people. Within hours, Shane made me a fab website and the rest was history. Shane is the managing director of Brandpower so if business or an entrepreneur needs a modern and hassle free website or app, I couldn’t recommend him more.


What was your experience with the fashion industry before you began Katie’s Creations?

Since I was a kid, I always loved fashion. It came from watching my older sisters who were very adventurous with their fashion senses. My first experience in the fashion industry started with Tola Vintage in 2016 as a model and working with their online store & at kilo sales. I then started working in Urban Outfitters in Temple Bar. In late 2017, I moved to H&M and there I progressed into visual merchandising. I have a massive interest in buying and merchandising so I studied a part time Fashion buying course to educate myself more on the area. 


Your designs are so different from most other designs being sold as they are more fashionable, such as the Masie mask-What’s your design process?

My design process comes from me just experimenting with new materials and fabrics. I always think in the back of my head, what would I wear & most importantly, what is the most comfortable. I try to range for all age groups and to make wearing masks fun. Face coverings are the way forward and I want to provide everyone with a mask that they would enjoy wearing whilst keeping themselves and everyone else safe.


Who influences your designs?

So many people influence me when it comes to fashion. One major person whose masks are so gorge is Lirika Matoshi. I remember seeing her amazing masks for the first time and instantly was like “I want to be like that”. Then of course I always think in the back of my head “who would I love to see wearing my masks” & Dua Lipa or the always cool Anna Wick.


How long does it take for you, start to finish, to make and package a mask?

At the beginning, it used to take me up to an hour to make one mask without the packaging but now I have mastered doing a mask start to finish in about 40-45. I am doing it all by myself & made to order so it takes a little bit of time.


You recently released a limited tie-dye selection of masks and have hinted at a range of tie-dye garments on your Instagram-What’s the big picture for Katie’s Creations?

The big picture for KTC would be to be able to provide everyone on a global spectrum with unique, quirky pieces including clothing along with masks and accessories. I absolutely love what I’m doing and once I keep loving it & enjoying every second then that’s the main thing. Everyday is a school day & I am constantly learning something new everyday.


Do you think face masks being an important part of stopping the spread will become a new fashion staple?

Yes 100%!! The smallest thing everyone can do is to wear a mask. Yeah it might be annoying & warm but if you are saving someone’s life, who cares how irritating it maybe. In China, since the sars outbreak, face masks have been worn for years ever since. I Defo feel it will be like that now with Covid. I have seen unique face masks in vogue & major fashion blogs and with all the amazing designers around the world, they are sure to become a major, essential fashion trend


Where can people find you and your face masks?

You can find and purchase my face masks at:


Or on Instagram @ktc_ire

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