Food for Thought: Successful Slumber

Study or sleep? While many of us look to caffeinated drinks and energy boosting snacks to get us through those late night cramming sessions, it’s proven that for better grades a good night’s sleep is a must. This isn’t an easy option for everyone – many people find it difficult to switch off and fall asleep at a reasonable hour. Here’s the good news for you night owls: adding these foods to your diet can help you achieve a successful slumber. Lettuce contains lactucarium, which has sedative properties and can affect the brain in a similar manner to opium. Therefore, opt for a side salad with your dinner or try a lettuce brew: simmer lettuce leaves in water for 15 minutes, add some mint and enjoy before heading to bed.

Tryptophan is a sleep enhancing amino acid that helps make serotonin and melatonin, two of the main chemicals responsible for dozing off. Some great sources include hummus, turkey meat and walnuts. Cherries, particularly tart cherries, boost levels of melatonin. According to a study conducted on adults with insomnia, drinking a glass of tart cherry juice helped improve their insomnia symptoms compared to those who drank a placebo beverage.

Sipping on herbal teas such as chamomile, passion fruit and lemon balm are sure to lull you to sleep with their snooze-promoting properties. When your magnesium levels are too low, it makes it harder to sleep, so be sure to stock up on almonds and bananas as they are rich in magnesium, working as a muscle and nerve relaxant. A good night’s rest does wonders for your health: sleep helps you keep happy, your mind sharp and your immune system strong.

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