TN2 Tarotscopes for September 2018 What's in the cards for the beginning of the school year?

Rather than a traditional horoscope, which consults astrology and star-charts, this is a ‘Tarotscope’. In essence, a combined Tarot-reading and horoscope, in which I draw one Tarot card for each star-sign, for the period of one calendar month.

Aries (March 21-April 19) | IX The Hermit

The Hermit comes as a reminder of the need for self-care, self-work and solitude in the middle of the chaos of life, Aries. Have you made time to withdraw and reflect on your deeper self and your deeper values lately, or has summer been a wild ride? Do you kind of feel the need for a break from your holiday to catch your breath? The Hermit counsels prudence, meditation, and stillness – and if you’re coming into Dublin and College, or back to Dublin/College from a summer away in quieter environs, perhaps this is your reminder to stop and breathe, and not start your academic year off feeling overwhelmed.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) | Son/Prince of Pentacles

The Son/Prince of Pentacles is an excellent card for a Taurus, as you’re both whole-hearted, stubborn/determined, responsible creatures at heart. Honestly, this is a great card for a Taurean student in September, because it points to you putting your head down and working methodically at whatever comes before you, having patience with yourself and with what you’re learning. You’ll get out of this year what you choose to put into it, but be realistic about what you’re capable of doing and enjoying. Over-committing to too many things will not serve you at all: this is a time to focus, not dissipate. This feels like a particularly great card for first-year Taureans who want to start things off right, and final-year/grad-student Taureans who are putting in that last great push towards your degree.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) | Ace of Swords

You’re starting the new year off with a real ferocity, aren’t you? Summer has gone on long enough for you, and it’s time to dive back in and take a great big bite out of college. The Ace of Swords is a moment of clarity, and brilliant understanding/insight. Now is the time to maybe make that big decision you’ve been putting off. You have the insight, skill and intelligence to bring your vision into being, and it will be through your tenacity and reason that you will achieve your ends. Second-year Geminis: this could be a good omen if you’re thinking about Schols. Fourth-year Geminis: You go get that thesis, you!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) | 3 of Pentacles

The task ahead of you – maybe the academic year, maybe something else – is a momentus, worthy one, and it will take the best of you, your discipline, focus, effort to bring it to success. This is also the card that comes up to remind you that you’re not alone on your path. There are others around – teachers/mentors, team-mates, friends – who are there to support you. Suspend judgement, of yourself and your situation, and be open to the lessons (not always from within the classroom) that come your way.

Leo (July 23-August 22) | IV The Emperor

The Emperor is a very Big card – he’s the ruler of the intellectual realm, and also kind of The Big Man Around Here in the Tarot. Maybe you’re thinking about getting into student government? If so, this is a very positive card. Or maybe the area of mastery ahead of you is on a more personal scale? Is this the year that you focus on self-discipline and avoid last-minute cramming or all-nighters? Either way, this is a wonderful sign for you, Leo, to connect with your inner power, take control of your life and assert your personal boundaries. This is going to be a good year.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) | 5 of Swords

This card is a warning against self-defeating, self-destructive behaviours, Virgo. Communication with those around you might be an issue; in fact, I’d go as far as to say that broken-down communication might be the root of whatever is really haunting you right now. It’s up to you to determine if it is worth the effort, and potential frustration, of trying to set the record straight, or not. Bear in mind, it doesn’t always matter what you meant or how you meant something, and litigating hurt feelings over and over stops you from moving on and healing. Perhaps this means that a parting of the ways is inevitable, but with the new academic year starting, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Be careful with your word, and be kind to yourself with your thought patterns, and you can use this warning as a way to begin this September on the right foot.

Libra (September 23-October 22) | 6 of Pentacles

Libra, right now you are in a wonderful place to learn about giving and receiving, and sharing with your community. 6 of Pentacles often indicates a harvest of some kind, and puts you in the centre of a good deal of sharing. Your lessons right now centre around accepting help with grace and offering it with generosity to those of your tribe. This is a time to consider your resources, material and otherwise, and how best to use them. What a gorgeous card to begin the new year with!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) | III The Empress

Coming at the beginning of this academic year, The Empress is showing you that your path to success is through your emotional strength and ability to self-nurture, as well as your creativity. Maybe you’ve been struggling with your emotions for a while, feeling buffeted by them? The Empress is here to remind you that you can ground yourself in your capacity for deep emotion, and still be a badass. Your emotions and creativity are a path to fulfillment: maybe consider joining a creativity-based society this year, connect with Players, or write for one of the many publications in college to help strengthen this side of yourself.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) | Mother/Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is an incredibly perceptive, incisive figure, and she’s inviting you to turn your perception inwards: in what ways are you currently your own worst enemy, Sagittarius? You have such an analytical mind, and you’re so bloody capable, you know that? The Queen of Swords is here to remind you of that, especially if you’re feeling reckless or impatient right now. The suit of Swords often comes up when there’s the need to ‘cut away’ something, and in this case, the Queen is suggesting you cut through your own bullshit and focus.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) | VI The Lovers

Sorry to disappoint you, Capricorn, but this card doesn’t necessarily portent massive amounts of boning in your future. The Lovers can point to a union or partnership (and, if so, it’s an intense, possibly challenging relationship), but that union is just as likely to be about un-reconciled parts of yourself as it is to be about navigating the complexities of relating properly to another human being. However, most of the time, the Lovers means there’s a big choice coming your way, and that choice might be between two seemingly equal (equally good or equally shitty), but mutually exclusive outcomes. What is it that you truly love/value? Your choices are ultimately what make you, Capricorn, for good or for ill, and never forget that the abdication of choice is also a choice – just a cowardly one.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) | Father/King of Pentacles

The Father/King of Pentacles is a person of deep intelligence and strong character; diligent in all they do, they value steady progress over quick-fixes. This could be you, Aquarius, especially so if you’re a STEM student, as matters scientific/mathematical tend to be this King’s area of focus. However, even for more artsy-Aquarii, the King is here to remind you of the importance of integrity as a pathway to contentment. It’s not a flashy lesson, but this King isn’t a flashy person, even at their most confident. If there’s a warning here, it’s not to let your justifiable confidence turn cocky.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20) | 0 The Fool

This is a fantastic card for the beginning of a new academic year, Pisces. One phase has come to completion and you’re starting with a clean slate as September rolls in. You have a good deal of freedom for re-invention, new projects and spontaneity at this moment. Now is the time to enjoy the not-knowing, to improvise, and count just a little bit on beginner’s luck as you feel your way along. Let go of what you think you know, and let yourself actually see what’s around you, free from your assumptions.

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