Saved by the Subtitles: The Growing Popularity of Non-English Series in Modern Television

Originally published in print in September 2021.   After recently finishing Lupin, a French mystery thriller produced by Netflix, I wasn’t shocked to see how well the show was received. What did pleasantly surprise me, however, was the reach this … Continue reading Saved by the Subtitles: The Growing Popularity of Non-English Series in Modern Television

Perspectives 3: Dragons, Brookies, and How Lockdown Helped Me Form Inextricable Household Bonds Why moving into a house, rolling some dice, and talking about free will at 1am changed my college experience.

The following is the third instalment of our second ‘Perspectives’ series. ‘Perspectives’ as a concept was born out of a desire to provide thought-provoking and relatable snapshots into students’ experiences navigating relationships, self-discovery, and other affairs of the heart. Our … Continue reading Perspectives 3: Dragons, Brookies, and How Lockdown Helped Me Form Inextricable Household Bonds Why moving into a house, rolling some dice, and talking about free will at 1am changed my college experience.