Aislinn Logan: Fresh, dynamic, Aislinn Logan with her new single 'Wait On Me'

Belfast born, London based and ready to take on Dublin – Aislinn Logan is fresh, dynamic and, in many ways, just like you. Her third single Wait on Me’, out now, is the perfect soundtrack for awkwardly bopping along to the music in the seat of a car going nowhere in particular, or dragging your friends out of the kitchen to dance after discussing heartbreaks, vacation plans and what to do after college (guess what – no one knows!) for the past three hours at someone’s gaff.

I was feeling like I was in a constant rush – there’s this pressure to have it all ‘figured out’ yesterday.

Wait on Me’ is right where Aislinn Logan’s previous two singles meet: A little less straightforward than ‘Fair Game’, more optimistic than Spree’, always underlined with a capturing beat that makes the listener instantly groove along – especially, when lyrics like “It’s the age of oversharing, undercaring” hit home. It is music for millennials, in a way that understands the sense of uncertainty and the desire to run out into the world and shape it ourselves:  “I was feeling like I was in a constant rush – there’s this pressure to have it all ‘figured out’ yesterday.” With vocals that remind me of Haim, and instrumentals that make think of Temper Trap, Aislinn Logan creates a mixture that stands out from the other songs that are assembled beside her ‘Fair Game’ on U Music’s This is Ireland’ Spotify playlist.

Previously described as “anxiety party pop” by Nialler9, Logan uses Wait on Me’ as a canvas to capture the feeling of knowing how the world works, and still not being able to quite fit in; “Somehow I keep missing a beat“, she sings, “the right way’s lost its shine”. But the song would not fit within Logan’s present repertoire if it did not convey a sense of deep optimism, the feeling that everything will fall into place. This ambivalence is a recurring theme in the artwork surrounding the music – whether it’s Logan looking thoughtfully into the camera, a party hat on her head, or the single covers in which warm colours break up the dominantly dark palette.  And in that context, Wait on Meends just as it begins, with Logan, and us, “coming up for air”.  

Catch Aislinn Logan upstairs in Whelans for her first Dublin headline gig on Friday, 23rd November. Tickets are still on sale.



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