“This wreckage I call me / Would like to frame your voice” The Post-Human World of Gary Numan’s Music "It reveals how there is an interwoven narrative path that is connected by each album. A story of a posthuman world slowly unravels throughout Numan’s impressive corpus of work, one that popular culture owes a lot of credit to."

  “And what if God’s dead?/ We must have done something wrong /This dark facade ends/ We’re independent from someone / This wreckage I call me/ Would like to frame your voice.” (Lyrics from ‘This Wreckage’, from the album Telekon) If you … Continue reading “This wreckage I call me / Would like to frame your voice” The Post-Human World of Gary Numan’s Music “It reveals how there is an interwoven narrative path that is connected by each album. A story of a posthuman world slowly unravels throughout Numan’s impressive corpus of work, one that popular culture owes a lot of credit to.”