Communication, Consent and Confidence: Get the SHIFT Sex is pleasure, and pleasure is a renewable resource.

SHIFT Day is one of four campaigns the Student Union have this year to spread awareness about ‘Sexual Health Information For Trinity.’ When students come to Trinity, they can be sexually active for the first time, and the Welfare Office … Continue reading Communication, Consent and Confidence: Get the SHIFT Sex is pleasure, and pleasure is a renewable resource.

Swift Justice There was Bad Blood in the courtroom when Taylor Swift countersued the DJ who groped her back in 2015. Her legal victory contributes to the important conversation about rape culture and bodily autonomy: Maia Mathieu explains why we can’t just Shake It Off.

It sounds like something out of a crime drama: a pop star is groped at a meet ‘n greet, and then the groper turns around to sue his victim for defamation of character.  But this isn’t the latest Law & … Continue reading Swift Justice There was Bad Blood in the courtroom when Taylor Swift countersued the DJ who groped her back in 2015. Her legal victory contributes to the important conversation about rape culture and bodily autonomy: Maia Mathieu explains why we can’t just Shake It Off.

What we should learn from the PWR BTTM scandal

Content note: sexual assault

After two months the dust has settled on the PWR BTTM scandal, as their (predominantly queer) fanbase have had to come to terms with abandoning what was once considered a life-saving band. However, there is still the discussion of where to go next, and how to deal with similar cases in the future.

Continue reading “What we should learn from the PWR BTTM scandal”