Algorithms, Steel Bolts and a Biro: the future of art in a technology-dominated world

Sarah Morel visits the Science Gallery to have her portrait drawn by some unusual artists.     I recently had my portrait drawn, and for the first time in many years, I remembered the strange feeling that accompanies gazing upon … Continue reading Algorithms, Steel Bolts and a Biro: the future of art in a technology-dominated world

BLOOD at the Science Gallery – review

Blood has always occupied a space between fascination and repulsion in the human psyche. It transcends the binary of the worldly and sacred given its centrality in both science and spirituality. It is at once bound to both life and death. As such, blood, in all its forms and with all its literal, symbolic and mythical meanings, is the point of focus for the Science Gallery’s latest exhibition, BLOOD. Continue reading BLOOD at the Science Gallery – review