Memes: A Cultural Currency ALT. Editor Clare Maunder discusses the value of memes

Originally published in the Summer Issue 2020. Few things provide as fertile a fodder for the distinctly atonal Millennial humour as uncertainty. Granted, these are unprecedented times, but memes and internet culture at large provide more than a merely reductive … Continue reading Memes: A Cultural Currency ALT. Editor Clare Maunder discusses the value of memes

Should Article 13 Fall at the First Hurdle? The future of the internet in the EU hangs in the balance

Copyright law has been a feature of art production since the Statute of Anne in 1710 the first legislation to provide for government-enforced copyright protection. The fundamental aim of copyright law is to make an artist the sole owner of … Continue reading Should Article 13 Fall at the First Hurdle? The future of the internet in the EU hangs in the balance