Food Waste: Leftovers, Trimmings and Perishables. Irish households dump approx. 1 tonne of food waste each per year.

Didn’t fancy finishing that plate of pasta or the crusts from your sandwich? Threw out that broccoli you bought in a moment of health consciousness but forgot about and it has now turned an off-putting shade of white? While these … Continue reading Food Waste: Leftovers, Trimmings and Perishables. Irish households dump approx. 1 tonne of food waste each per year.

Spilling The Beans on Dublin’s Coffee Scene ‘‘Why purchase something you can also buy in an airport on the other side of the world when you could get a truly special beverage in Dublin?’’

Coffee is a beverage inextricably linked to student life. Typical sights around Trinity campus include sleep-deprived Arts students desperately gripping onto their skinny soy lattes whilst trying to make sense of life, or Hamilton students casually strolling to a lecture … Continue reading Spilling The Beans on Dublin’s Coffee Scene ‘‘Why purchase something you can also buy in an airport on the other side of the world when you could get a truly special beverage in Dublin?’’