The Elusivity and Misconceptions of Vaginal Masturbation All your vagina related masturbation questions explained!

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash. Masturbation is always associated with a hush-hush nature, right? It’s seen as wrong, or secretive and elusive, something inherently private. All these things ring true, but vaginal masturbation, in particular, is a painfully restricted … Continue reading The Elusivity and Misconceptions of Vaginal Masturbation All your vagina related masturbation questions explained!

Confessions of a Real Male Pornstar I am a solo male pornstar. But I hate the term 'pornstar'.

Photo by Harsh Gupta  on Unspash. The week of the 3rd – 7th of October marks Sex Week in Trinity College. A week heralding positive views of love, sex, and equality. In keeping with this trend, I thought that maybe … Continue reading Confessions of a Real Male Pornstar I am a solo male pornstar. But I hate the term ‘pornstar’.

‘Do all women really just want to be saved?’ – A Dissection of Carrie Bradshaw’s Infamous Voice–Over

Charlotte: It’s because women really just want to be rescued. Carrie: (voiceover) There it was. The sentence independent single women in their thirties are never supposed to think, let alone say out loud. Charlotte: I’m sorry but it’s true. I’ve … Continue reading ‘Do all women really just want to be saved?’ – A Dissection of Carrie Bradshaw’s Infamous Voice–Over

Which Legend of Zelda Game is the Horniest? Gelsey Beavers-Damron takes you on a journey to answer the age old question, which Zelda game has the most horn?

Originally published in print, September 2021.   5: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and Four Sword Adventures (2002, 2004) Coming in fifth on our list are our early-2000’s sweetheart’s. These two games, while named slightly different, are virtually the same … Continue reading Which Legend of Zelda Game is the Horniest? Gelsey Beavers-Damron takes you on a journey to answer the age old question, which Zelda game has the most horn?

Perspectives 2: Lost and Found Why Romantic Love Comes Second

The following is the second instalment of our second ‘Perspectives’ series. ‘Perspectives’ as a concept was born out of a desire to provide thought-provoking and relatable snapshots into students’ experiences navigating relationships, self-discovery, and other affairs of the heart. Our … Continue reading Perspectives 2: Lost and Found Why Romantic Love Comes Second

What my time at Trinity has taught me about love Tales of tribulation and triumph and words of wisdom straight from the mouth of a fourth year

Originally published in print March 2021. Illustration by Emily Stevenson.   College is many things. It’s a wonderful place full of new and exciting experiences with so many opportunities to learn things about yourself that you may never previously have … Continue reading What my time at Trinity has taught me about love Tales of tribulation and triumph and words of wisdom straight from the mouth of a fourth year