Food for Thought: Seasonal Superfoods

Christmas is absolutely the season of indulgence. Dishes doused in delicious buttery goodness and the calorific desserts are responsible for leaving us in that food coma we all know so well. Many of us will return to exams and deadlines come January and it can be difficult to find the energy to get work done when we are snacking from a tin of Roses. I’ve cobbled together some seasonal superfoods to get you through studying this festive period.

The ultimate christmas spices cinnamon and nutmeg are rich in powerful antioxidants. Nutmeg is a fantastic brain tonic and has been shown to increase dopamine levels, the brain chemical responsible for motivation and reward. Cinnamon will satisfy your sweet tooth and keep your magnesium levels up, which has been proven to enhance memory, learning and cognitive function.

Make turkey your meat of choice as it’s a great source of lean protein and the energising vitamin B6. Snacking on turkey will ensure your tryptophan levels are up as this amino acid is responsible for serotonin production – a feel good brain chemical.

Go nuts! These traditional christmas snacks are loaded with brain boosting nutrients. Walnuts are the undisputed champion, rich in DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid which improves cognitive function, memory retention and reduces brain inflammation.

Brussel sprouts, of course, had to feature! These guys are also rich in magnesium and can help avoid that mid afternoon slump as they are packed with energy boosting B vitamins. Try steaming them to keep all their vitamins and minerals intact.

Instead of reaching for another tempting selection box, try to embrace some of these superfoods and make studying a little easier over the christmas break.

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