Almond Milk: Worth The Hype? How does the nut fare against the moo?

Almond milk has enjoyed a surge of popularity in recent years as more and more people are cutting down on their consumption of dairy products. But how exactly does the nut fare against the moo?

The obvious advantage of almond milk is that it is dairy-free, suitable for those with a lactose intolerance and for vegans. Almonds are also much higher in vitamin E than dairy milk, which is associated with lowered levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), which in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

This said, almond milk is relatively low in nutrients (and protein) in comparison to cow’s milk, as many vitamins  are lost when the almond liquid is separated from the solids. Consequently, many commercial almond milk producers add vitamins to the milk.

In terms of environmental impact, almond trees require substantial amounts of water to grow. However cow’s milk is still much more water-intensive to produce, and presents many additional problems such as methane production and the creation of ‘dead zones’ in the sea.

Though almond milk may be slightly less nutritious than cow’s milk, almond milk has other health and environmental benefits that are worth giving it a try!

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